Saturday, September 12, 2009

See with your Inner Mind.

"Building Soul Quality Through Conscious Evolution."

How does one measure one's growth. Hopefully it's not based on how nice people say your are, nor on how pleasant your smile is. Not even because you are dressed nicely and never get upset.

Oh how the secret enemy (which is indeed your own unconscious impregnation into matter), deceives the masses. It's always the outward appearance. That's the way this body does it to *"impress someone to get their attention."*

How many look at the inward vibrations being sent forth from the vehicle? In reality, how many CAN?!

In order to see with the Inner Focus one has to develop it. First by separating one's self from the mass conception of fact or life as agreed upon. And one does that by first **being the onlooker and observer to this form, the body with it's inherent brute nature.**

Just then is it the beginning of recognizing the world within. The world that often whispers gentle truths that have a roaring effect upon us would we but listen.

All truth, in reality, is within us because the Universal Minded God shared Himself equally with every human being to be. Thus the measure of your growth will be the attainment and cooperation with the Inner Voice -- your bit of Universal Mind.

Love and harmony,
Your Cosmic sister in truth

* ** from the teachings of Master D. M. Berry.

Cosmic Consciousness is the directing force behind Universal Life Energy

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