Monday, September 14, 2009

Real Freedom

"Building Soul Quality Through Conscious Evolution."

Most people accept that freedom is the ability to say and do as they wish without limitation. And yet in one of the supposedly freest country in the world people indeed have not been able to do just that. They are limited because of their economic status, their beliefs, ethnicity, race etc.

So then what is true freedom? Is it not the ability to think as they wish? To receive and reject thoughts, ideals and situations according to however they wish? Is not the mental plane, indeed, the strongest energy we are inherently born with?

How is that? Because regardless of what is done to the physical form, and was others try to impress you with, it is ultimately you who will decide how you will think. Wasn't President Mandela a beautiful example of this? Being imprisoned for over thirty years he chose to travel within himself and bring out his own inner wisdom.

Please understand that how you live your life and how you accept what is brought to you is totally under your control.

Please have a harmonious and conscious day.
Eternal love and harmony,
Your Cosmic sister in truth

Cosmic Consciousness is the directing force behind Universal Life Energy

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