Monday, August 22, 2011

This Biologic Form

"Building Soul Quality Through Conscious Evolution." 

Our family from other dimensions of consciousness have come to assist us to go beyond our physical limitations.

Every day you breathe, think, and live try to understand that your body and its' thinking mechanism is but a very complex biological tool.

It is created from the elements of this planet. It went through a biologic and reasoning evolution and has come to a point where it can go no further.

With the use of our five senses we are able to communicate and conceptualize ourselves, each other and this terrestrial planet. 

We can learn to raise our rate of vibration and connect to the God Principle inherent with each and every one of us. 

The brain is but a small limited vehicle through which our Mind communicates. It is a transmitter of information whether it is to or from our Higher Selves, or to and from our sub-conscious mind. 

The decisions we make, the concepts we create, the reactions we have to life through our feeling body are all functions of this biologic form, our body.

The Mind is our direct link and manifestation of the God Principle (Source of All That Is). It is also known as the Soul or Innermost, and IT is what created this body for It's use on this earth plane. 

The purpose of Mind, (man) is to establish harmony first to, through and by this biologic tool, the most advanced on this planet(the body), and then to turn this terrestrial earth into a celestial being.

These are my interpretations of the truth teachings of  Master David M. Berry, my Cosmic teacher and father.

Love and Harmony
Your sister in truth

(All credit given to Master David M. Berry)


  1. Hi love, I think most people live their lives through their intellect and ego. But never understand that their soul consciousness should be directing their actions.

  2. Greetings and welcome to my page,
    When most people come into the realization of the words you shared the planet will be transformed and uplifted
    Thank you for sharing
    Love and Harmony
    Your sister in truth

  3. Hi sister, I'm always happy to find another spiritual being.
