Sunday, July 18, 2010


"Building Soul Quality Through Conscious Evolution."

Change is a challenging undertaking. It is a process that involves your entire being.

The first few questions you must ask yourself is when did you discover the need to change. What was brought to your attention to show you that change is needed in your life? Have you observed that you are no longer satisfied with the way you express yourself through thought, word or deed?

*"Self-observation is the doorway to consciousness" about yourself because before you can know yourself you must become conscious of yourself. Becoming conscious of where you are in your expression and so forth can become a knowledge that will lead to freeing yourself in the form of change.

Now, simply observing yourself is not enough to exact a change. It is the comparison you see between yourself and others that opens that questioning door. If you find yourself wanting to change you have probably observed someone else's interpretation of life and have come to a realization of sorts that you prefer to express yourself differently.

Having now received this information from your own self-observation, you must now find a way to execute this change. We suggest to you that you continue with that comparison and observe the difference between your present forms of expressions and those you desire to incorporate.

Address how you react to a thing and find out why your reaction is unsatisfactory to you. Do you get extremely angry over little things? Do you feel depressed for no apparent reason? Do you find you want to change because you want others to like you?

These are merely samples of questions you may want to ask yourself in order to clearly understand why you desire a change. This is essential to this process because the enormity of your undertaking may cause you to become confused about your goal to change and that frustration might convince you to quit trying altogether.

The goal to change is not to become like someone or something else, but to find your individual interpretation of that change. Recognize within yourself what you can or cannot achieve at this time. Give yourself short term goals that will gradually help you reach your desired change.

Let's take that example again about anger. Your first few attempts at let's say, at not calling people damaging names might fail. And you might find yourself feeling bad about what you would consider a failure. But please be joyful because the change has already begun simply because you are putting forth the effort. Just keep at it and then you'll begin to catch yourself midway through an angry tirade instead of at the end of it. Eventually you'll be able to catch yourself right before you express any anger at all.

Change takes time so please be patient with yourself and allow the errors that come along the way to teach you in your quest. **"We learn by doing, provided we're aware of all involved action and not just your own little part".

Love and Harmony
Your Cosmic sister in truth

*,** from the teachings of David M. Berry

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